Reviewed by Engineers from
It's more than just a well-organized list. There are 2 things that make us stand out:
1/ We show you simple solutions that you can realistically use in an interview.
2/ You learn deep insights you won't find elsewhere, like how you can use Recursion to solve tree, graph, and backtracking problems (all the problems in "Recursion" are solved using the same approach). Or how Dynamic Programming is just Recursion with one extra step.
You can get away with only using DeriveIt to prepare for your coding interviews. Other great resources are NeetCode and Grokking the Coding Interview if you want to take a look and see how they compare to DeriveIt.
We recommend going through every lesson, and solving at least a few of the problems under it.
If you're in a rush, practice DeriveIt's content marked "very important", which is essentially an 80/20 solution.
You should go top-down through the course - first Data Structures, then Recursion, then Iteration.
We only cover Python right now. We've seen people use other languages like Java and C++ and it makes life so much harder. Python is the easiest language to use in coding interviews, and we offer Cheat Sheets for you to learn it quickly.
If you are preparing for a coding interview, the answer is "yes". We cover all the coding topics that you'll realistically see in a FAANG interview. This includes the topics covered standard lists of problems like the B75.
Note that we do not prepare you for the systems interview (which is a very specific type of interview), and recommend HelloInterview's free course if you have this type of interview. It's a catch 22 - the best way to prepare for a systems interview is to work at a company that prepares you for one.
Learn a fundamental approach to solving coding problems, and finally know you're ready for your coding interviews.